An extension pole can be used for many different reasons. New camera angles, over the shoulder while skiing, out in front on the chair lift, up high over a group/concert/crowd, etc.
The following steps and pictures is how I made mine. I feel that the camera is very solid when attached and is at a great length. This whole project cost me less than $10. The ski pole was a freebee from a local ski shop, the hardware was $1.19 and the tripod mount was $7.99. This is a no-brainer and can add a cool dimension to your videography.
SUPPLIES: ski pole, 1/4 inch width bolt (same size as a tripod bolt), 1 washer, 2 rubber washers, GoPro tripod mount, 1/4 inch drill bit (plus 2 smaller bits), drill, tape measure and a screwdriver.
I started by measuring down 3 imches from the tip of the pole. This is where I felt that the pole was wide enough to drill and still have its strength. I started drilling with a small drill bit to establish a hole, then went up a few sizes, then finished with a 1/4 inch bit. The drilling was super easy, just make sure you go straight through.

After drilling the hole you are pretty much done. Now put the pieces together. Bolt first, then the washer on the other side, followed by the two rubber washers. The rubber washers act as a vibration reducer as well as a spacer.

Add the GoPro tripod mount and tighten the screw. The screw needs to be extremely tight to add stability for the camera. The washer will add stability and act as a platform for the tripod mount to sit on.

After you feel confident with your setup, add the camera. Give it a few good shakes, it should not move at all.